Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Finally, after hours of hard work, its out!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Almost done

Our storybook has finally been printed. Yay. We just need to add final touches to the Design Document and then The End.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Page Measurements

(click on the picture for a larger view)

We left a 1cm bleed around the perimeter, as well as centerfold for printing. Another 1 cm by 1 cm box kept by the left and right of the page for page number.

[Choong Yee] A sample page from our storybook

Hi all, this is a sample page from our storybook (Kudos to Aiysha for her great artwork). As presented in the lecture last week, we have combined pastel colours and watercolour brushes to bring out the fairy tale effect.
Fonts were carefully selected so that it is legible yet appealing to our target audience.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

[aiysha] layout and works

Oui! Blogspot!

The dateline is this Thursday and the word "rush" does not even register in my head right now! That's because when you've been exposed to something for too long you grow more resistant to it. Hence, I am resistant to rush! Aha!

Ok onwards, the layout of the cover page. We decided to change the title of our story from "The Big Fight" to the cornier but more appropriate "The Tale of Two Brothers" simply because, well, the fight was not THAT big anyway.

So now for sketches.
So it'll be a huge continuous spread so that means a lot more painting.

Friday, April 10, 2009

[Miranda] Our title is...

changed from A BIG FIGHT to...

A Tale of 2 Brothers

[Meilin] DONE!

We have finally coughed up a pretty awesome story board. Okay it may be a little long and 'cheeem' but kids these day are reading more and more complex stuff.

Another highlight.

Page 19 went from just a picture of Robbie fighting a huge wolf


Robbie whipped out the Magic Branch. Robbie defeated the Wolf!


Robbie summoned up his courage
It was such a feat for a boy his age
He whipped out the Magic Brunch
(It indeed packed a punch)
Robbie defeated the Big Grey Wolf!

Thats good no? Onomatopoeia rocks.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

[Choong Yee] Characters In Our Story

Here are the characters of our story,


9 years old kid
Elder Brother
Loud, rough and rude.
Often has good intentions,
but does not know how to behave.


The younger of the 2 brothers
Sweet, kind and gentle.
However, he has a sharp tongue that gets him
in trouble with his brother.

Kind hearted nanny who takes care
of the 2 brothers but seems mysterious as she
has tricks up her sleeve.

Tree spirit

The tree spirit featured in the story.

Wolf spirit
The wolf spirit depicted in the story.

Spirit of a beautiful lady

Spirit of a beautiful lady who is featured in our story.

[Everyone] Which title

We are having a hard time deciding on the title. We have the story and characters and names but the title is a big headache.

Robbie and the Magic Branch
Robbie’s Great Adventure
The Big Fight
Robbie and the Big Fight
Saving Timothy
The Two Brothers
The Hunt/Search for Timothy
Robbie’s Quest
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Golden Butterfly

The ones in yellow are the ones we're considering.
We had a good laugh about "The Golden Butterfly" because it sounds like some ancient Chinese movie title related to palaces and wayang and what not. You get the idea.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

[Miranda] Development of the storyboard

Okay these are the highlights of our storyboard development because I doubt anyone will actually look through an entire essay on how we got from draft to final storyboard.

The first page went from this: (how boring)
Once there were two brothers who were born in a house beside a beautiful garden. The garden was the most beautiful garden in the whole world. They lived with their nanny as their parents had passed away.

To this:
Once upon a time there was a garden.
It was the most beautiful garden in the world.
In it lived two brothers.
They were called Robbie and Timothy.

To this!
Once upon a time, there were two brothers.
They lived next to a garden with beautiful flowers.
One was Robbie, the other was Timothy.
They didn’t live together happily.

So now good luck to us finding more rhymes for the rest of the story.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Introduction to our story

After some brainstorming, we picked the story about 2 brothers as THE one to develop.

And our moral is: Blood is thicker than water.

Just to clarify that means that no matter how much you fight or disagree with your family members, you should still forgive and forget because at the end of the day, they are the ones that will be supporting you. aww.

Well. Robbie and Timothy (younger) were very different and they always fought.
Our story begins when Robbie accidently crushed a Golden Butterfly which Timothy really really wanted (Robbie actually did it out of goodwill wanting to catch it for Timothy). So obviously they had a disagreement and Timothy ran away.
Robbie was sent by their Nanny to go bring him back and so Robbie began his quest. He eventually has to overcome 3 obstacles (3 spirits of the forest) and he finally finds Timothy! Happy ending of course.
The twist is that their Nanny knows magic and she was the one who released the spirits into the forest to teach both boys a lesson.

Now that we have our story, watch this space haha. Lots of work to do, lots to write about.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Welcome to NM2208 StoryBook Project

Welcome to our NM2208 StoryBook Project! Enjoy.